The Toronto East Quadrant Local Immigration Partnership Council (TEQ LIP), is a group of organizations and agencies that come together to aid newcomers in Scarborough. TEQ LIP develops and implements coordinated, innovative, and sustainable strategies to settlement and integration that fit the diverse and unique needs of newcomers to this community.
The Partnership Council consists of a wide range of stakeholders including community organizations, settlement agencies, government departments, educational institutions and more. Each partner boasts specific expertise and critical skills in areas such as health care, employment, housing, settlement, education, and language training.
The TEQ LIP Partnership Council works collectively with the Scarborough Newcomer Council, the community at large, and other local committees to identify and implement new ways to strengthen service coordination and create a model of service delivery that works seamlessly for newcomers.
The Council is responsible for facilitating and overseeing the development and implementation of the Scarborough Regional Settlement Strategy through the TEQ LIP Action Groups.
Our TEQ LIP Partnership Council Members Include:
- ACCES Employment
- Afghan Women’s Organization
- Agincourt Community Services Association
- Arab Community Centre of Toronto
- Armenian Family Support Services
- Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre
- Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association
- Catholic Crosscultural Services (Lead Agency)
- Centennial College
- Centre for Immigrant and Community Services (CICS)
- Community Family Services of Ontario
- City of Toronto Newcomer Office
- Conseil Scolaire MonAvenir
- Conseil Scolaire Viamonde
- Hong Fook Mental Health Association
- Le Centre francophone du Grand Toronto
- La Passerelle – I.D.E.
- Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade
- Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport
- Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services
- Progress Career Planning Institute
- Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities
- Scarborough Health Network
- Settlement Assistance and Family Support Services
- Strides Toronto
- TESOC Multicultural Settlement and Community Services
- The Career Foundation
- The Housing Help Centre
- The Salvation Army
- The Scarborough Hospital
- Toronto Catholic District School Board
- Toronto District School Board
- Toronto Newcomer Office
- Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation
- Toronto Public Health
- Toronto Public Library
- United Way of Greater Toronto
- University of Toronto Scarborough Campus
- Warden Woods Community Centre
- YMCA of Greater Toronto Language Assessment and Referral Centre
- YMCA Newcomer Information Centre
- YWCA Scarborough